When it comes to online shopping, Amazon has set the bar very high. It has two-day shipping and almost any kind of product you can think of.
If you’ve been selling on Amazon for a while, you’re probably aware that being competitive isn’t enough. Using Amazon Lightning Deals is one approach to entice your audience. They are Amazon promotional offers that are only available for a limited time — usually lasting for 4-6 hours on the Amazon Deals page. If you run a Lightning Deal for your product, you can rapidly increase your sales.
In this post, we’ll cover all you need to know about Amazon Lightning Deals, including if they’re worth your time and money.
What Are Amazon Lightning Deals?
Discounts and promotions on Amazon are an excellent way to enhance your rankings and sales. Amazon Daily Deals are your most powerful buddy in this arena. They’re also a simple way to reduce your inventory. Sellers launch limited-time offers to spark customers’ interest and increase sales. Additionally, Amazon Lightning Deals today are wonderful for customers.
The items included in these promotions are frequently highlighted on the “Today’s Deals” Amazon page. During Amazon Prime Day, these deals are only available to Prime members.
❗ How to find Lightning Deals on Amazon?
Customers may find deals and flash sales in various categories, including electronics, fashion, home appliances, beauty products, and more in the “Lightning Deals of the day” section.
How to Make a Lightning Deal on Amazon
To make a Lightning Deal, you first need to check which items are eligible. To do this, you need to click the “Create Deals.” It can be found on the Amazon Seller Central dashboard. You’ll be taken to a page with all available deals in the next step.
Here’s how to make a Lightning Deal:
- Choose a good item from your inventory.
- You can choose a date range for your Lighting Deal based on your choices.
- Provide a discount or a special price for each unit and each quantity.
- Then, look at the information and click the “Submit Deal” button to send the deal.
- Amazon has set a maximum price, a minimum discount, and a minimum number of items sold at the sale.
Check to see if you meet the requirements for Lightning Deals products if you can’t find any that meet your needs.
Are you Eligible to Create an Amazon Lightning Deal?
Amazon Lightning Deals are available to the majority of sellers. For example, alcoholic beverages may not be eligible for Lightning Deals. Furthermore, the bargains do not include used things.
You must meet certain standards to qualify. Sellers must meet the following requirements:
- Have a minimum overall seller rating of 3.5 stars
- Receive five instances of seller feedback each month
- Rather than being a one-person shop, become a professional seller
- In addition to the requirements listed above, you must ensure that the campaigns you create for the same product do not overlap.
If you do not meet the qualifications, your shop can’t participate in the deals. Also, if Amazon rejects your Lightning Deal, one of the reasons could be your inventory threshold. Because Amazon’s minimum number for a product can change at any time, you’ll need to adjust your quantities accordingly.
If you’re looking to expand your inventory, reach out to PIRS Capital for the right financial assistance for your business. This way, you can make the most of the Amazon upcoming Lightning Deals.
Which Items are Eligible for LightningDeals?
When eligible products meet the following qualifications (which may vary based on country and time of year), they are immediately displayed in the Deals Dashboard’s Eligible ASINs section:
- Quality: Products must have a minimum 3-star rating and a track sales record in Amazon stores.
- Product variations: Deals should offer as many product versions as possible (for example, size, color, and style). For specialized products such as clothing and shoes, at least 65 percent of variations should be included in the bargain. You specify a minimum percentage of product variations when you build the deal.
- Products that are prohibited, rude, degrading, or otherwise inappropriate are not eligible. Ineligible items include e-cigarettes, alcohol, adult products, medical devices, medications, and infant formula.
- To be fulfilled, the product must be Prime-eligible in all states, including Puerto Rico. You can select Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or Seller Fulfilled Prime in the Shipping Settings.
- Deals are only available on items that are brand new.
- Seller Feedback Rating: You must receive at least five reviews every month with a rating of 3.5 stars overall.
- Deals will not be available for products with a high return rate.
It should be noted that certain ASINs may not receive a recommendation while satisfying the above criteria owing to other factors that Amazon is unwilling to broadcast.
You can create a deal from a list of acceptable ASINs on the Deals Dashboard’s Select Products page. Because eligible ASINs are renewed every week, an eligible ASIN you see this week may not be accessible next week.
See Also:
Lightning Deals on Amazon Prime Day
Additional terms and conditions apply to the Amazon Prime Day Lightning Deals. For example, the price you provide must be the lowest since the beginning of the year. Typically, Amazon accepts Prime Lightning Deals submissions during March and April. You can submit them in the Lightning Deals area under “Prime Day Window.”
Sellers compete fiercely during shopping periods like Prime Day and Black Friday. As a result, you’ll want to provide a higher discount to boost product exposure and entice shoppers on Amazon.
Is a Lightning Deal Better Than a 7-Day Deal?
Amazon Lightning Specials are sometimes more effective than 7-day bargains because they are prominent on the offers page. In addition, shoppers are more likely to feel pressured by Lightning promotions because they are shorter-term than 7-day deals. To find out which promotion works better for your product, you can test them both at different times and dates on the same items.
Lightning Deals: Is There a Fee for Them?
Yes, Amazon charges a fee when you post a Lightning Deal. Many things can affect how much your Deal costs.
To see your fees, you can go to Seller Central > Reports > Payments > Transaction View > Service Fees to see your fees.
Remember that just because a product has a Lightning Deal doesn’t mean it will sell well. Whether or not your deal does well, Amazon will still charge you money even if it doesn’t. However, if you or Amazon cancel the deal before its start time, Amazon will not charge you for the deal itself.
The Advantages of Amazon Lightning Deals
Amazon’s limited-time deals or the Lightning Page is one of the most visited. The Lightning Prices concept creates micro-windows for shoppers to find great deals on things they wish to buy. How long do Amazon limited-time deals last? 24 hours! So when you use Lightning Deals, you can:
- Boost your sales
- Quickly reduce inventory
- Increase brand recognition
- Increase the number of people who see your ad.
Furthermore, Amazon Lightning Deals can be employed as part of your SEO and launch strategy to increase your organic ranking and sales if you’re selling a new product.
When Are You Allowed to Forgo the Lightning Deals?
If you are eligible for any of the reasons outlined above, you should consider taking advantage of Amazon Lightning Deals. The money involved in these transactions, on the other hand, is the most compelling motivation for passing them around. Your margins will likely suffer as a result of the fact that you must pay an additional fee to have your products shown under discounts. You must determine whether Amazon Lightning Deals are worth your time and money based on the product selling price and the cost of producing deals for the Amazon marketplace.
Another possibility is that there is a shortage of inventory. You must be prepared to increase sales volume by putting up a Lightning Deal for your products or services. If you have trouble filling orders, it may hurt your Amazon seller rating and inventory. If you are not prepared to deal with the increased sales volume, Amazon Lightning Deal may not be the best option for you.
Are Lightning Deals Worth It?
Most sellers agree that Lightning Deals are worth it! This promotion increases the awareness of your goods by offering them through an Amazon Lightning Deal notification.
Lightning Deals increase visibility in these ways:
- The deals are listed on a separate page from the rest of the content.
- The Lightning Promotion mark increases the visibility of the merchandise associated with the deal.
The Lightning Deals will have a positive impact on your sales. On the other hand, profit margins will be impacted as a result of this. Furthermore, the time and day at which the Lightning Deal is formed impacts these transactions. On the other hand, you have little control over the campaign’s success or failure.
It is also necessary to choose the products used in such campaigns with attention and precision. Some products are not appropriate for Lightning Deals. It is often recommended that you choose products according to the 80/20 rule: choose 20 percent of your portfolio’s products that generate 80 percent of your revenue.
Finally, you can check the performance of your deals under the ‘Manage Deals’ section of Seller Central.
Get eCommerce Assistance
It is possible to succeed on Amazon without using Lightning Deals. It is, nevertheless, an excellent strategy to increase your sales velocity. Lightning Deals might help some firms win new customers, but they can also be a costly error for others. So be strategic about how you time your specials and use these promos.
In case you want to take your business to the next level and are looking for financial assistance, PIRS Capital is a reliable aid for your ecommerce business. We hope you found this article to be informative.

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